- Directions for Call Box Use
- Illuminated
- Door
- Directional

Comprehensive communication and evacuation plans are critical in emergency situations. Signs are an integral part of these plans and quickly direct a person into action and ensure that no matter what the situation or emergency, instructions are always understood
- ‘Area of Refuge’ signage is required per International Building Code (IBC) 2009
- ‘Elevator Landing’ (Emergency Communication) signage is required per International Building International Building Code (IBC) 2009
- ‘Area of Rescue Assistance’ signage is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and early versions of the International Building Code (IBC). States that have not adopted the IBC 2009 or later codes may still refer to these locations as Areas of Rescue Assistance and the signs shall have verbiage to reflect this.
Code requirements state that 4 types of proper signage must be visible to direct individuals to these safe locations.