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Public Safety and Security

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring public safety is more crucial than ever. Our Blue Light, Pool and VPP Phones, are designed to be highly visible and strategically positioned for easy access, serving as deterrent to potential threats and a direct line to help

US Pool Phone Laws

See our Pool Phones

*State requirements may be superseded by local requirements that are equal to or more restrictive than the state requirements.
Check with the local city and county governments to see if they have adopted different pool safety requirements.


A telephone for the pool/spa with posted names and phone numbers if the nearest available police, fire, ambulance service and/or rescue unit, and/or 911, if available. The use of a cellular phone or a portable wireless phone for an emergency is prohibited.


A phone should be located in the pool area or easily accessible in case of an emergency. 911 emergency number (or local emergency number) should be posted in the pool area.


A telephone or other means of communication with numbers posted of the nearest fire department, emergency medical care service (EMT’s, hospital) and poison control information center should be posted and readily available to anyone.

Location of the nearest telephone for emergency use should be posted and easily accessible.


For public pools with lifeguard personnel on duty, the pool operator of each public pool area shall have the following additional safety equipment:

(1) A Red Cross 10-Person Industrial First Aid Kit or the equivalent.

(2) An operating telephone

(3) A backboard and head immobilizer


Emergency Telephone. There shall be a telephone or other suitable device for emergency communication readily available in the immediate vicinity of each pool. This telephone or device shall be on the premises where the pool is located.

Emergency communications. Instructions regarding emergency calls shall be prominently posted. All pools shall have posted at their entrance
(a) directions to the nearest telephone and the nearest first aid unit and resuscitation equipment;
(b) the telephone numbers, in print at least one-quarter inches high, of the nearest police and fire departments, emergency medical service provide, hospital and physicians on call in the immediate area. Additionally, these telephone numbers shall be posted at the nearest telephone.


Safety Equipment – All pools shall have the following safety equipment which shall be easily accessible:

  • A telephone,
  • Each facility shall have a functional telephone or other communication device that is hard wired and capable of directly dialing 911 or function as the emergency notification system.
  • The telephone or communication system or device shall be conspicuously provided and accessible to aquatic venue users such that it can be reached immediately.
  • Alternate functional systems, devices, or communication processes are allowed with AHJ approval in situations when a hardwired telephone is not logistically sound, and an alternate means of communication is available.
  • A permanent sign providing emergency dialing directions and the aquatic facility address shall be posted and maintained at the emergency telephone, system or device.


An Emergency telephone which is hard wired and affixed with posted names and phone numbers of the nearest available police, fire, ambulance service and/or rescue unit, and/or 911, if available.


Except for wading pools and spray pads, each swimming pool where lifeguards are not provided shall have a designated emergency telephone or equivalent emergency communication system that can be operated without coins.

The communication system shall be available to users of swimming pools when the swimming pool is open. When the telephone is not within the confines of the swimming pool enclosure, the location of the emergency telephone shall be posted in at least one conspicuous place within the swimming pool enclosure.

Instructions for emergency use of the telephone shall be posted near the telephone.


A telephone shall be accessible in the vicinity of the swimming pool, in or within 300 feet of the pool enclosure.

At a multi-level facility, the emergency telephone shall be located within three levels of the level on which the pool is located.

The telephone numbers of the local police, State Police, fire department, physician, ambulance service, and a hospital, or 911 where applicable, shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the telephone.

The name, address and telephone number of the swimming pool shall be listed by the telephone.

The location of the emergency telephone shall be posted in the swimming pool area unless the telephone is located in the pool area.


A telephone shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of the pool enclosure and must be available for emergency use whenever the pool is open for use, with the facility location and the following emergency telephone numbers posted within view:

(1) 911.

(2) Ambulance or Rescue Unit.

(3) Hospital.

(4) Police Station.

(5) Fire Department.


Except for wading pools and spray pads, each swimming pool where lifeguards are not provided shall have a designated Emergency Telephone or equivalent emergency communication system that can be operated without coins.

The communication system shall be available to users of swimming pools when the swimming pool is open. When the telephone is not within the confines of the swimming pool enclosure, the location of the emergency telephone shall be posted in at least one conspicuous place within the swimming pool enclosure.

Instructions for emergency use of the telephone shall be posted near the telephone. At each swimming pool where lifeguards are employed, a telephone shall be available to the swimming pool staff for emergency purposes.


All swimming pools classified as Category 1 or Category 2 must have a readily accessible telephone, with the emergency numbers prominently posted, at all hours the pool is open.


All facilities shall have a non-pay telephone on the premises which is readily accessible and conspicuously located; for isolated facilities two (2) way radio communication systems to a manned telephone system may be substituted.

The telephone number of a police, fire department, emergency medical service, or a hospital shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the telephone.


Swimming pools shall have lifesaving equipment conspicuously and conveniently on hand at all times including the following:

A telephone with posted names and phone numbers of the nearest available police, fire, ambulance services and/or rescue unit, and/or 911, if available.


Public pools must have lifesaving equipment conspicuously and conveniently on hand at all times by the side of the pool.The locations of the nearest telephone must be posted with dialing instructions in the immediate vicinity of the public pool or spa.

This telephone must have posted names and phone numbers of the nearest available police, fire, ambulance service and/or rescue unit.


Telephone. An owner shall ensure that, in case of an emergency, a telephone is available within the pool or spa enclosure to individuals using a public pool or spa that:

(1) Can directly reach a 911 emergency service without the use of a coin and without connection to an internal switchboard;

(2) Is posted with:

  a. The names and phone numbers of the nearest available police, fire, and ambulance or rescue unit; or

  b. 911 or with any numbers necessary to reach a 911 emergency service center directly; and

(3) Is posted with the name and location of the pool or spa facility.


An emergency communication system which at a minimum would allow convenient, immediate and toll-free communication with emergency medical services, local police, state police and the local fire department, must be in working order and available at each pool.

The telephone numbers of the emergency medical services, local police, state police and fire department, as well as any instructions necessary to operate the communication system shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the communication device or station.

The location of the emergency communication device must be in an area that is unlocked and available to both the staff and the public at all times.


A swimming pool owner shall provide a telephone or other suitable means of communication for emergencies. The owner may locate the telephone or other means of communication in any of the following areas:

(1) Within the pool enclosure.

(2) In another location approved, in writing, by the department. If another location is approved, the owner shall post a sign indicating the location of the telephone within the pool enclosure.

A swimming pool owner shall post a sign at the telephone that indicates the phone numbers for emergency response agencies and the name and address of the swimming pool to assist emergency personnel in locating the facility.


A pool with a lifeguard present must have an Emergency Telephone in or immediately adjacent to the pool area. When a telephone is provided, the emergency number must be posted.

When a telephone is not located in the pool enclosure, a sign placed in plain view must indicate the location of the nearest telephone available to a pool user and the emergency number.



A telephone shall be accessible during all hours of operation in the vicinity of a public water recreation facility or within a 300-foot walking distance from an entrance to swimming facility enclosure. At a multi-level facility, the emergency telephone shall be located within three levels of the level on which the swimming facility is located.

Emergency Telephone/Contact List. The ambulance service, and a hospital, or 911 where applicable, shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the telephone. The name, address and telephone number of the swimming pool facility shall be listed by the telephone. The location of the emergency telephone shall be posted in the swimming pool facility unless the telephone is located in the pool area.


(1) A telephone with an attached handset shall be affixed to the wall near the new or existing pool, spa, or other water feature for the purpose of contacting emergency medical services except splash decks.

(2) Emergency supplies required in ARM 37.115.1507 must be located in a place where the person making a call for emergency medical services can conveniently render assistance after making the call or while on the telephone with emergency services.

(3) Instructions regarding emergency calls shall be prominently posted next to the telephone or near an entryway of a splash deck and must include the following:

  a. How to notify the appropriate EMS personnel. For example, the sign should:

     i. List the numbers needed to contact EMS personnel, such as 911; or

    ii. If an outside line is required, such as needing to dial “9” or “8” before dialing 911; or

    iii. In a location without 911 services, the direct emergency line to EMS must be provided.

  b. The name and telephone number for the management to the facility;

  c. The name, location, and address of the facility in which the pool, spa, or other water feature is located;

  d. Directions on how to find the facility and on how to find the location of the telephone from which the call is being made; and

  e. The location of first aid and lifesaving equipment.

(4) If a phone is not provided at the splash deck, then there must be a sign posted at the entry stating “No Public Phone Available”.


Swimming pools must have an accessible working telephone with emergency telephone numbers prominently posted.


A sign must be posted in the immediate vicinity of the spa, stating the location of the nearest telephone with the information that emergency telephone numbers are posted on or near the telephone.
Emergency telephone numbers must be posted on or near the telephone and must include:

(1) The name and telephone number of the police, fire and rescue unit responsible for serving the spa.

(2) The name and telephone number of the nearest available physician.

(3) The name and telephone number of the nearest available ambulance service.

(4) The name and telephone number of the nearest available hospital.

(5) In lieu of the telephone numbers listed in paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive, the number for emergency 911 service if that emergency service is available in the geographical area of the spa.

New Hampshire

(1) The owner of a public bathing facility shall ensure that telephone or radio capable of reaching emergency services is located within 200 feet of any pool or spa at the public bathing facility.

(2) Signs shall provide the location of the telephone or radio required by (1), above.

(3) The owner of a common interest bathing place, designated beach, or flow-through bathing place shall ensure that:

      a. A telephone or radio capable of reaching emergency services is located within 200 feet of the water, or

      b. If a telephone or radio capable of reaching emergency services is not located within 200 feet of the water, then a sign is posted informing patrons of the location of the nearest public telephone or radio capable of reaching emergency services.

New Jersey

A telephone, radio, signaling device, or other health authority approved means of communication shall be located near the lifeguard station for emergency use. Commercial pay telephones shall be permitted for this purpose provided that coin deposit is not needed to access emergency assistance.

Emergency numbers of the nearest rescue squad, physician, ambulance, police department, hospital, clinic, or other appropriate entity shall be posted in a weather-resistant display, adjacent to the telephone.

New Mexico

The following lifesaving equipment shall be provided at all public pools and baths in a location where it is easily accessible by persons using the pool:
(1) All public pools and baths shall post signs stating the location of the emergency phone and in accordance with NMAC.

** – An emergency telephone shall be located in any of the following areas:

   a. Within the public pool enclosure that is accessible at all times;

   b. In another location approved, in writing, by the department.

(2) A sign shall be posted at the phone that indicates emergency phone numbers and the facility address to enable emergency and rescue personnel to locate the public pool or bath.

New York

(1) A swimming pool permitted to use Supervision Level IV, shall comply with following pool use rules:
    a. A free telephone conveniently located must be provided at the facility with posted numbers for the nearest emergency service (police, fire department, ambulance, hospital).

**Supervision Level IV is required when the water depth is less than five feet and the surface area of the pool is less than or equal to 2,000 square feet.

(2) Spa Pools: Spa pools shall comply with the following special requirements, in addition to other applicable requirements contained in these design standards.

    a. Emergency telephone numbers for police, fire department, physician, ambulance and hospital shall be posted near the emergency telephone.

North Carolina

A telephone capable of directly dialing 911 or other emergency notification system shall be provided and accessible to all pool users. Effective April 1, 2005 the telephone shall be permanently affixed to a location inside the pool enclosure or outside the enclosure within 75 feet of a bather entrance. The telephone shall be visible from within the pool enclosure or a sign shall be posted indicating the location of the emergency telephone. A sign with legible letters shall be posted at the telephone providing dialing instructions, address of the pool location and the telephone number. The pool phone requires a callback number which will ring at the pool location for the pool emergency phone.

Where the telephone does not directly access 911, the emergency notification system shall:

(1) Provide 24-hour monitoring of all incoming calls by a telecommunicator who answers only emergency calls;

(2) Be capable of routing calls to the local 911 telecommunicator via the 911 dedicated emergency trunk line; and

(3) Electronically transfer Automatic Number Identification and Automatic Locator Identification for the emergency telephone at the pool to the Enhanced 911 system for all calls routed to 911.

North Dakota

At least one set of lifesaving equipment shall be provided consisting of:
A telephone. At the telephone, there shall be a legible list of emergency phone numbers and the physical address of the pool or spa facility.


(1) Safety Equipment. The licensee of a public swimming pool other than a spa, wading pool or spray ground shall provide safety equipment that shall be readily visible from the public swimming pool and easily accessible.

      a. A working telephone or an emergency call box shall be available for emergency use during all parts of the year a public swimming pool is in use. The emergency device shall be at a public swimming pool or within 500 feet of the public swimming pool. The emergency device shall remain continuously connected to a power source, as appropriate, and operational at all times. A sign shall be provided in accordance with paragraph (E)(3)(c) of this rule.

**(E)(3)(c) – The sign indicating the location of the emergency device shall have on it the name and telephone number of the nearest available police station, fire station, and rescue unit and any other names and telephone numbers likely to be needed in the event of an emergency.


An Emergency telephone to reach emergency assistance without the use of coinage shall be accessible to the pool during all house of operation.

Every bathing place shall provide, immediately adjacent to its telephone a selected list of current telephone numbers for available doctors, ambulance services, hospitals, and police or fire department rescue squads.


The operator must provide a telephone that is accessible during all hours the pool is open for operation. The phone must be capable of reaching emergency assistance without the use of cards or coins. The operator must conspicuously post, within the pool area, the address of the pool facility.

South Carolina

A toll free emergency notification device to notify emergency personnel must be provided within a two hundred (200) foot walking distance of the pool and in a location that it is easily accessible during the hours that the pool is in operation.

Only permanently-mounted notification devices are acceptable to the department. Mobile, voice over internet, or cordless telephones are not an acceptable alternative to permanently-mounted emergency notification devices.

The physical address of the pool must be displayed at the emergency notification phone or device in a manner that is permanent and weather resistant.

South Dakota

The pool area should be equipped with a telephone and a CB radio. The emergency phone numbers and accident report script should be affixed to the wall near the phone.


Public Swimming Pools.

Telephone for Emergency. All pools shall have Emergency Telephone service on the premises which can be accessed without the use of coins. A list of clearly visible emergency phone numbers to include the nearest emergency and medical services shall be posted next to the telephone.


Post-10/01/99 and pre-10/01/99 pools and spas shall have a telephone that is capable of immediately summoning emergency services and that is readily accessible within 200 feet from the pool or spa water. Any other electronic means of summoning emergency service will qualify as a telephone if clear instructions for its use are provided by signage. A telephone that is answered by an on-site office does not meet the requirements of this subsection.
The following shall apply to telephones for post-10/01/99 and pre-10/01/99 pools and spas:

(1) The telephone may be located inside or outside of the pool yard or spa yard if the enclosure entry gates and doors of the pool yard or spa yard are never locked in any manner, or the gate or fence is not more than 4 feet 4 inches tall.

(2) The telephone shall be located inside or outside of the pool yard if the pool is a Class A or B pool.

(3) The telephone must be located outside of all other pool yards or spa yards if all of the following occur:
    a. The entry gate(s) or door(s) are locked on either side of the gate or door.

    b. The enclosure entry gates and doors and the enclosure fences and walls are all higher than 4 feet 4 inches.

    c. The pool or spa is operated in conjunction with:

     i. Lodging such as hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums, or mobile home parks;

     ii. A property owner’s association, private organization, or club;

     iii. A school, college, or university while being operated for academic or continuing education classes, or

     iv. Practice event (excluding competition events in accordance with paragraph A).

(4) Each entry gate and door of a pool yard or spa yard that is locked must have a sign on the exterior of the gate or door or on the exterior of the enclosure fence or wall immediately adjacent to the gate or door, stating the location of the telephone outside of the enclosure and complying with the content and letter size of paragraph 5 of this subsection if:
    a. The telephone is located outside the pool yard of a Class A or B pool; or

    b. The telephone is required to be located outside the pool yard or spa yard under paragraph 3 of this section.

(5) Regardless of where the telephone is located or whether the gate(s) or door(s) are locked, a sign must be installed inside the pool yard or spa yard in plain view of the pool or spa and state in letters at least 1-inch-high: “In case of emergency, call 911.” If the telephone is not readily visible from the pool or spa, the sign inside the pool yard or spa yard shall include a concise description of the location of the telephone.


A sign must be posted in the immediate vicinity of the pool stating the location of the nearest telephone and emergency telephone numbers shall include:

  1. Name and phone number of the nearest police, fire, and rescue unit;
  2. Name and phone number of the nearest ambulance service;
  3. Named and phone number of nearest hospital.

    If a telephone is not available at poolside, emergency telephone numbers must be provided in a form that can be taken to a telephone.


A telephone capable of dialing the emergency number 9-1-1 shall be provided by the owner and located within the swimming pool area. The phone shall be immediately accessible from the pool deck.

The phone shall be located so a clear and unobstructed view of the pool(s) is provided. Emergency telephone numbers and the facility’s name and address shall be posted by the telephone.

If a telephone is not provided, a working telephone shall be provided within one hundred (100) feet of the spa pool and shall be readily accessible at all times. The facilities name, address, and the emergency numbers, including the phone number for the pool operator, shall be posted by the telephone.


Owners shall provide first-aid and emergency equipment at all spa pool facilities during operating hours including:

A telephone with a prominently displayed list of emergency medical service response numbers.

Washington D.C.

A telephone capable of directly dialing 911 or other emergency notification system shall be provided and accessible to all pool users.

A telephone shall be permanently affixed to a location inside the pool enclosure of outside the enclosure within seventy-five feet (75 ft.) of a bather entrance. The telephone shall be visible from within the pool enclosure or a sign shall be posted indicating the location of the emergency telephone.

West Virginia

Telephone service shall be available within one hundred (100) feet of the recreational water facility, and emergency phone numbers for rescue agencies shall be posted.


For outdoor pools, a working telephone shall be available in the pool area. For indoor pools, a working telephone shall be available within the enclosed area around a pool.

A current list of emergency numbers and the facility’s location shall be attached to or posted near the telephone. Cellular or cordless phones may not be used to comply with this subsection.


A telephone shall be available on the premise of all public pools, spas and similar installations and emergency rescue phone numbers shall be posted in view of the telephone.