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ASME A17.1-2019 / CSA B44-19 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators

Section 2.27.1: Car Emergency Signaling Devices

  • 2.27.1 Car Emergency Signaling Devices
  • Emergency Communications. The two-way communications shall conform to through
  • A communications means between the car and a location staffed by authorized personnel who can take appropriate action shall be provided.
  • If the call is not acknowledged [] within 45 s, the call shall be automatically directed to an alternate on- or off-site location.
  • The communications means within the car shall comply with the following requirements:
    • (a) In jurisdictions enforcing the NBCC, Nonmandatory Appendix E; in jurisdictions not enforcing the NBCC, ANSI/ICC A117.1, ADAAG, or ADA/ABAAG.
    • (b) A push button to actuate the communications means shall be provided in or adjacent to a car operating panel. The push button shall be visible and permanently identified with the phone symbol (see The identification shall be on or adjacent to the phone push button. The communications means shall be initiated when the push button is actuated.
    • (c) On the same panel as the phone push button, a message shall be displayed that is activated by authorized personnel to acknowledge that communications are established. The message shall be permitted to be extinguished where necessary to display a new message [see (d) and (e)] or when the communications are terminated.
    • (d) On the same panel as the phone push button, messages shall be displayed that permit authorized personnel to communicate with and obtain responses from a trapped passenger(s), including a passenger(s) who cannot verbally communicate or hear.
    • (e) On the same panel as the phone push button, a message shall be displayed that is activated by the authorized personnel to indicate when help is on the way. The message shall continue to be displayed until a new message is displayed [see] or the communications are terminated.
    • (f) The communications means shall provide on demand to authorized personnel information that identifies the building location and elevator number.
    • (g) The communications, once established, shall be disconnected only when authorized personnel terminate the call or a timed termination occurs. A timed termination by the communications means in the elevator, with the ability to extend the call by authorized personnel, is permitted if voice notification is sent by the communications means to authorized personnel a minimum of 3 min after communication has been established. Upon notification, authorized personnel shall have the ability to extend the call; automatic disconnection shall be permitted if the means to extend are not enacted within 20 s of the voice notification.
    • (h) The communications means shall not use a handset in the car.
    • (i) The communications shall not be transmitted to an automated answering system. The call shall be answered by authorized personnel.
    • (j) Operating instructions shall be incorporated with or adjacent to the phone push button.
    • (k) A means to display video to observe passengers at any location on the car floor, to authorized personnel for entrapment assessment, shall be provided.
  • Where the elevator rise is 18 m (60 ft) or more, a communications means within the building accessible to emergency personnel shall be provided and shall comply with the following requirements:
    • (a) The means shall enable emergency personnel within the building to establish communications to each car individually. The communications shall be established without any intentional delay and shall not require intervention by a person within the car. The means shall override voice communications to outside of the building.
    • (b) The communications, once established, shall be disconnected only when emergency personnel terminate the call or a timed termination occurs. A timed termination by the communications means in the elevator, with the ability to extend the call by emergency personnel, is permitted if voice notification is sent by the communications means to emergency personnel a minimum of 3 min after communication has been established. Upon notification, emergency personnel shall have the ability to extend the call; automatic disconnection shall be permitted if the means to extend are not enacted within 20 s of the voice notification.
    • (c) Once the communications have been established, a message shall be displayed on the same panel as the phone push button, that is activated by emergency personnel to indicate that help is on-site. The message shall be permitted to be extinguished where necessary to display a new message [see (e)] or when the communications are terminated.
    • (d) Operating instructions shall be incorporated with or adjacent to the communications means outside the car. Instructions shall conform to
    • (e) On the same panel as the phone push button, messages shall be displayed that permit emergency personnel to communicate with and obtain responses from a trapped passenger, including a passenger who cannot verbally communicate or hear.
    • (f) A means to display video to observe passengers at any location on the car floor, to emergency personnel for entrapment assessment, shall be provided.
  • If the communications means is connected to the normal building power, it shall automatically transfer to an auxiliary power supply as required by the applicable building code or, where applicable, NFPA 99, after the normal building power fails. This power source(s) shall be capable of providing for the means of communications (see a n d for at least 4h and the audible signaling device (see for at least 1h.
    • (a) The voice communication means within the car shall include a means to verify operability of the telephone line, where
      • (1) verification of the telephone line operability shall be automatically performed
      • (2) verification may be continuous or periodic
      • (3) periodic verification shall be at least on a daily basis
      • (4) verification shall not require activation of the communications link(s) If means other than a telephone line (e.g., VOIP, network, intercom) are used for the communications, similar verification of this equivalent means shall be performed.
  • Emergency Stop Switch Audible Signal.
    When an emergency stop switch ( is provided, an audible signaling device shall be provided. The audible signaling device shall:
    • (a) have a rated sound pressure rating of not less than 80 dBA nor greater than 90 dBA at 3 m (10 ft)
    • (b) respond without delay after the switch has been activated
    • (c) be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway
    • (d) for elevators with a rise greater than 30 m (100 ft), be duplicated as follows:
      • (1) one device shall be mounted on the car
      • (2) a second device shall be placed at the designated level

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